The website is redesigned and converted to AMP

Apr 29, 2020

End of last July I laid out the path I was gonna take to further improve the website. I wanted a design which has Material features and is also very compact and possibly don’t even have any JavaScript. I determined that only the menu open / close functionality and the carousel on the landing page were using some JavaScript. The menu could possibly operate in a CSS only manner and maybe even the carousel too.

Let’s look at the CSS side: a lot of libraries have extensive features I won’t need. Modern libraries have a main scss file and that pulls in all the components feature by feature. I was combing through Material Components for the web cutting off as much meat as I could. The work was overwhelming and I was always thinking there should be a leaner and cleaner solution. Then during my journey I came across AMP and realized that many of its requirements align with my goals:

  1. It aims for minimizing fluff by essentially eliminating custom JavaScript, which helps making the decision not to include any frivolous code. Note: with amp-script there is a way now to add custom JavaScript, but it cannot be more than 150 KB, and it is executed in a worker thread, and it has API limitations.
  2. It enforces a hard limit on custom CSS styles as well: 50 KB maximum. This inspires anyone to be lean.
  3. When your site is served from the AMP cache the Google Analytics data will appear in your analytics statistics, so you won’t lose anything.
  4. There’s still a way to supply dynamic content like Disqus blog post comments (a feature I already had for my blog posts).

Additional gains:

  • Google will cache your pages and help serve them with it’s world class CDN network.
  • If you structure your page properly and provide specific meta-data Google will also present search results in an enhanced way.

Possible downsides:

  • The lack of custom JavaScript may hurt some. If your site is not static and you need to have forms or other custom code, you have two choices:
    1. You can develop an AMP version of your pages while you can keep serving the enriched version by your won hosting system / service.
    2. Utilize amp-script and amp-form if the limitations are acceptable for you.
  • When your page is served from the cache then Google will clearly reveal that it is coming from domain or I can see that this could confuse the web page reader and may annoy some people. There’s a way to overcome this domain issue with the help of Signed HTTP Exchanges. If you serve your website from your own back-end this requires some technical knowledge and weight lifting to accomplish. CloudFlare offers AMP Real URL which uses the Signed Exchanges (SXG) browser feature to provide the exact same URL for both the AMP cached and the own hosted instance of your pages. SXG is currently only fully embraced by Chrome and Android browsers.

I’ll try to summarize what steps I took to arrive to the current design:

  • I yanked out all CSS and JavaScript from the website.
  • I started to identify what AMP components I’ll use.
  • For custom CSS I first used AMP version of Surface CSS framework. That provided Material design elements while being compact. However I yanked Surface AMP’s grid system and replaced it with Bootstrap 4’s superious CSS Flex based grid system.
  • After that I yanked out parts I was not using like: forms, tabs, modals.
  • I applied my unique color scheme to my SCSS
  • While restructuring I took advantage of the cards Material design element. This will provide white background for most of the text, that in turn results in better contrast for reading. The font color got darker as well also to increase the contrast. The contrast issue was detected by some accessibility test before, so I was happy to improve on this.
  • I also needed to fine tune, like only apply Surface’s ol and ul related rules for menus.
  • I also also had to customize the styling amp-menu, amp-sidebar and some more parts of the website.
  • I also transitioned to be based on SCSS and integrate that to the build pipeline. First I started to massage a custom grunt build script for the SCSS -> CSS -> minimize operations. But after some research I realized that scssify can transform my scss into css without any extra Ruby Gems, and the sass style: compressed option in config.yml will automatically minify it as well, also without any extra Ruby Gems. All this without needing any grunt babel build script. That’s very neat because even Jekyll hosting providers will suport that and I won’t have to run own scripts. I just wish I had discovered scssify and sass compress earlier.
  • I decided to not go with my own menu but to embrace amp-sidebar. Only some portion of it can be presented horizontally as a menu (this is called the toolbar). While I could have hidden the sidebar and the hamburger button at large resolutions I decided to never hide it, so the user can decide which menu to use. The sidebar has social sharing buttons and some extra menus.
  • I went through several iterations to convert the Bootstrap carousel to amp-carousel. That’s only used on the landing page. I haven’t been able to revive the captions for the carousel slides yet, but maybe I’ll leave it that way. The captions were kinda weird anyway: I had to add font shadow to increase the contrast compared to the slide image at all resolutions (the captions can fall onto different color sections of the slide at different resolutions).
  • I needed to convert the Google Analytics bits and pieces to AMP version.
  • I paid attention to load the amp-carousel on the landing page and the Disqus AMP for blog post pages only. The AMP verifier helps you to point out if you include something you don’t actually use.
  • I made size optimizations wherever I could, like even shortening my custom hosted font file names.
  • I converted the Disqus forums to AMP versions. That’s not an easy feat: you have to setup a separate custom domain which hosts a portion of JavaScript what your site will pull in. Fortunately I could use free gh-pages hosting for this, but at first I had trouble to add the second domain to my Disqus administration, so I almost thought I’ll have to partially sacrifice my domain for this. I was somewhat hesitant, because people reported that Disqus generates a lot of requests and traffic, but right now I just stayed with Disqus. I’m not sure if a rival service would generate less traffic by the way.
  • If I wanted to use Disqus counter, I also had to generate the SHA 384 fingerprint of the pulled in script (related to the counter) and add it to my site’s header meta tags. Note, that the regular comment section has a counter as well, so currently I don’t integrate the separate counter: trying to keep the commenting feature as lean as possible.

The big question is: did the numbers improve? How does the new Material / AMP version fare in Lighthouse tests? I certainly don’t have JavaScript now (apart from AMP’s), and less than 30 KB CSS, but AMP brings in some scripts and styles. I’ll analyze that in my next post.

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